Calling this desert a "delight" would be like calling Shaq "sort of big". This thing was on hit legit.
The pie was a vegan take on a Reece's peanut butter cup: chocolate pudding mixed with peanut butter, and, per Dags' M.O., plenty of sugar. If he were to make that and just slang it out in bowls, it would've surely been a success. Alas, always one to outdo himself, Dags' wasnt done there; he proceeded to make a crust made mostly of pretzel bits, and serve the whole thing as an uber-pie, which went over extremely well with the Desert Day crowd. Even that Vegan-hater Pyatt liked this one a lot.
The lesson, as always: lots of good things put together makes a great thing. Unless you're allergic to nuts. (Sorry, G.)
[The side lesson: C'mon Pyatt, stop hating Vegan stuff!!!]
Chinglish Fruit Beverage
Seriously? There was no way I could pass up this photo op at lunch today.
14 years ago